Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Coming of Age on Different Streets

In life, people go through different experiences when they are coming of age. Sometimes they are similar and sometimes they are different. In the book Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson and the book The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, the main characters Melinda and Esperanza both go through a similar experience, a tragic rape, but they deal with it differently.

Since both the girls go through the tragedy of being raped, the two books are so relatable. When Melinda goes back and tries to continue her life as it had been before, she doesn't speak because she doesn't want to deal with it. Esperanza, in her head, is thinking "please don't make me tell it all" to her friend Sally. Also, in both books, the girls are with their friends but later when they try to call for help, they are alone and no one is there for them. They were both pushed out of their innocence without any say in it, and they both were able to see how horrible life can be.

The whole book Speak, has to do with Melinda going through what happened and in The House on Mango Street only a chapter is dedicated to how Esperanza felt. After the summer the rape happened for Melinda, she is isolated and alone with  no one to talk to. The book continues with her figuring out how to come out of her isolation and stand together with the people that care about her. When Esperanza goes through the experience she is thinking to her friend Sally, who she knows she will be able to talk to about. As the book continues, it is never really brought up again. Esperanza's life continues normally, the experience affecting her coming of age but not revolving around it, while Melinda's life is completely changed and she doesn't know what to do.

Comparing the two books Speak and The House on Mango Street truly shows how people's coming of age experience can differ. It captures different aspects of their lives and how their daily life affected the way they dealt with the rape they went through.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Coming of Community in our Coming of Age

Our community is a big part of who we are, and is an aspect of our lives that helps shape us into who we are. The book Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson starts with a girl named Melinda Sordino starting her freshman year of highschool after being raped the summer before and not telling anyone. In the book Melinda is who she is because of the environment she is.   

We see that her community affects her at the very beginning of the book. She gets on a school bus, and right away we see how she is isolated from the rest of the people. She doesn't know where to sit, and at school is all alone during lunch. When she tried to tell her ex-bestfriend what happened to her at the party where she got raped, Rachel ends up calling her a liar. When she thinks about telling her mother what happened, she is so sure that her mother won't believe her she never considers bringing it up. In the beginning of the book her community is a negative place, and it makes it difficult for her to mature happily.

Later towards the middle and end of the book her community starts to become a place where she can talk about the tragic experience she went through. There are some people that are truly there for her, such as her art teacher Mr. Freeman. This is shown when he tells her; "You're a good kid. I think you have a lot to say. I'd like to hear it." There is a scene in the book where without even thinking about it first, she speaks to him not just one or two words but a paragraph on her thoughts. At the end of the book, she is with him and the book ends with her saying "Let me tell you about it." (Referring to her past.)

The book Speak makes me think about just how much everything in our lives affect us. Everything dealing with growing up can lead us to "what if" questions. What if Melinda had never gone to the party? What if she had gone directly to the cops? How different would her coming of age experience be if the answers to these questions were different?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Re: Changing Habits, Not Just Diets

What is the purpose of the article and why is it important?

The purpose of the article "Changing Habits, Not Just Diets" by Jane Black is to show us the changes that we can make in what we eat. She gives us examples of specific ways to take better care of ourselves. This article is important because a good point is brought up that we have the resources to make the changes know we have to make, but we have to find a way to motivate ourselves too.

Part of the purpose of this article, is to show us that there are many changes we can make. It has been proven that "if overweight and obese people add 2,000 extra steps to their daily routine or cut out 100 calories a day, they can effectively prevent weight gain". There are also the obvious small changes we can make such as people "baking their pork chops instead of frying them...". The purpose of this article is an important one, it is to not only tell us we need to make changes but to help us do so.

This article is important because it shows us that there is more to just saying you want to make better eating choices than actually doing so. It is said that making changes "can be overwhelming and unrealistic for both low-income and time-stressed, middle-class families". However, "many Americans do have access to, and can afford, better food. They just choose not to eat it. " This article brings these points to the surface, and shows us that what we really need it motivation, and that is an important part of this article.

This article makes me realize that the largest limiting factor in most scenarios is only ourselves. As long as we open ourselves, dedicate ourselves, and motivate ourselves to trying different things we can change positively.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


The student plagiarized the work of somebody else, and that was wrong. They used a source they found, and copied different parts word from word. Even if they had used it as a quote, the person did not cite the website. He/ she could have summarized this passage in their own words, and at the end they cold have acknowledged it, by putting a link to the website. The student also could have taken a couple of lines that supported what they had to say, and quoted them into their own post.

If the person had wanted to use this site, there are different way the could have incorporated it, such as by using quotation marks. Here is an example: The painting Starry Night by Vincent van Gough is drawn from a very unique perspective and yet it "... is a scene we can all relate to..." (A Brief Understanding of the Starry Night Paintings)

 There are many ways to avoid plagiarizing. Instead of copying word from word, summarize it into your own words. You can also use quotations such as the example above. Also, for larger writing pieces you can use a "Works Cited" page, listing multiple sources you used throughout the piece. Lastly, for the first two way to avoid plagiarizing, (summarizing, and quoting), it is still important to cite it or it will still count as plagiarizing because you aren't acknowledging the author.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Learning from Students' Posts

There are many wonderful entries that students have written on their blogs. One that I enjoyed a lot was Joyce's reading response on Gale vs. Peeta in the series The Hunger Games. When I talk to most people about the book they disagree that the romance plays a large role, but I think Joyce did a great job at showing the the book isn't just about the adventure parts, but also about romance. She shows how they play different roles in Katniss' life, which is what helps create her as a character. In Joyce's response, she does a great job at showing how different these two characters are by using text evidence, but she also gives her own opinions and feelings making the entry a fantastic one!

There are many more fascinating blog entries that I have read. Another one is Izzy's reading response on Romeo and Juliet and whether their love is real or not. I liked her post a lot, because I think this is a question most people ask themselves while reading this classic.  When most people ask this they say how Romeo kept talking about her beauty, but Izzy shows how Juliet "declares her love for him" only after their first conversation. In Izzy's response she does a great job at giving specific examples on why she asks herself this question, explaining that it is because when they meet they seem to mainly be physically attracted to each other.

Reading blog entries that other students have written helps me think of ways that I can improve as a blogger. Joyce's blog entry on Gale and Peeta is very different than most entries that I have read about The Hunger Games. Her use of viewing and writing about the book from a different angle, romance vs adventure, makes me want to try something similar. Based on Joyce's entry, I think it is important to focus on not only the main themes, but also the small ones. Izzy's blog entry on Romeo and Juliet and whether their love is real or not, is based off a question Izzy asked herself. When I write posts on my blog I focus on what I do know based on the book, but I think my posts could be more insightful if I wrote more about questions and theories that I have.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Much Ado About Nothing

Dear Friend,

I recently watched a play called Much Ado About Nothing, which was based of the play written by Shakespeare. I thought it was a fantastic play, that really showed the concepts of Shakespeare plays. The language they used was similar to the language in Romeo and Juliet, yet there was also a slight modern feel to it. Also with the music, and the stage. The play really showed how it was back then, and how the world they lived in was, but did so in a modern way that helped make the play enjoyable rather than confusing.

In this play, the general language used was the same. They spoke sonnets, and they used words that are different than today such as thee, or thou. The way the actors performed it, was able to show what they were saying, and what they meant by it. When they were speaking angry words, it wasn't hard to understand that they were upset because they would raise their voice, and show it in their actions.

The music used in this play was a jazz band, and although jazz is not something most people my age listen to, it was a familiar sound. In the play it was quiet, and not played loudly so that the actors would be heard. However, the jazz music still set up a general feeling of warmth almost because of how familiar it is even though it also fits perfectly into the time period they were in.

The stage, is a part of the play that I felt was more modern and new. It was circular and gave the play a more realistic sense. It felt like I was thee even more, because of the natural shape they were in, and because they didn't all have to face one way at once. It made the scenes feel more like a room, which helped the play have a more comfortable feel to it.

Overall Much Ado About Nothing is a fantastic play, and I suggest watching it. Especially for people just starting Shakespeare, since it makes it an "easier" transition.

From When They Met

In the book Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare, there is something that I think most people find confusing. That being, the fact that Romeo has only seen Juliet, and has never spoken to her and he is in love. Also with Paris, who may not be 'in love' exactly, but is drawn to Juliet and plans on marrying her even though they don't have any sort of connection. The love in this book, is one that seems very shallow and bland, but still manages to be very strong and permanent.

The way we live today, we don't necessarily believe in love at first sight, and in this period they do. Romeo, who fell in love with Juliet the night they met without even talking to her, is a strong believer in love. He swears his love for her, except he does so only a couple of days, I believe, after crying for Rosaline who he 'loved so deeply'. Juliet also falls in love with Romeo, from only seeing him, after saying how she doesn't want to marry. All of these things makes the love in this book appear untrue, and almost silly.

Although those things happen, and although they happen very quickly, there is still this deep sense of true love that happens in the book. I think that even though 'love at first sight' is unrealistic, in the book it helps show how strong their relationship is. They have an immediate attraction towards each other and it seems that from the start they are inseparable. Even when they find out just seconds after meeting that they are enemies they know the love they hold for each other is not something they can just forget, or get rid of.