What is the purpose of the article and why is it important?
The purpose of the article "Changing Habits, Not Just Diets" by Jane Black is to show us the changes that we can make in what we eat. She gives us examples of specific ways to take better care of ourselves. This article is important because a good point is brought up that we have the resources to make the changes know we have to make, but we have to find a way to motivate ourselves too.
Part of the purpose of this article, is to show us that there are many changes we can make. It has been proven that "if overweight and obese people add 2,000 extra steps to their daily routine or cut out 100 calories a day, they can effectively prevent weight gain". There are also the obvious small changes we can make such as people "baking their pork chops instead of frying them...". The purpose of this article is an important one, it is to not only tell us we need to make changes but to help us do so.
This article is important because it shows us that there is more to just saying you want to make better eating choices than actually doing so. It is said that making changes "can be overwhelming and unrealistic for both low-income and time-stressed, middle-class families". However, "many Americans do have access to, and can afford, better food. They just choose not to eat it. " This article brings these points to the surface, and shows us that what we really need it motivation, and that is an important part of this article.
This article makes me realize that the largest limiting factor in most scenarios is only ourselves. As long as we open ourselves, dedicate ourselves, and motivate ourselves to trying different things we can change positively.
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